
I came to Nicole to improve my mental game for a game I love, golf. I found I would constantly get the ‘yips’ or let the thought of others impact my game. I could never close out a good round, whenever I thought I was playing well, I would lose focus, get excited for the possibility of the good round and in turn my round would crumble.

I would get so nervous on the first tee or when others, that I was not familiar with were watching, that sometimes sacrifice the hole and shot and pick up my ball and moved on. I was never going to be able to improve and truly enjoy my golf playing like this.

Nicole was able to help me form daily, golf day and situational routines that would allow me to breath, shift my focus and move through this sporting anxiety. I was able to play with reserved confidence, that I knew if I was playing well I could continue throughout the round and week to week.

After working with Nicole for only a short period of time I was able to see the benefits of hypnosis and her practice. Over the course of 8 months I was able to drop my handicap by 10 shots, play representative golf for my club – going through the season undefeated and play with others I thought I never could.

Because of Nicole I was able to play and improve my golf, a game I love and now I get the most out of it each time I play. I even look forward to the challenge of closing out a round or playing in front of others - not avoiding them.

Thank you so much Nicole.
— Alex
Nicole helped me identify stressors that were impacting my mental state and motivation. Her Personal Training background combined with her knowledge and experience as Clinical Hypnotherapist helped me discover how to take responsibility for my own health and healing. My life has changed for the better since seeing Nicole.
— Jacquie M.
I had two sessions with Nicole and they made such a difference to me. I’m more confident and have trust in myself and my abilities. She helped me to put everything into perspective and to understand what I want and need.
— Deb W.
I met with Nicole Starke after twenty years of a pack a day smoking. Smoking was heavily stressing me out, as well as the idea of trying to quit. After my first session I went to 5 cigarettes a day, just two days after my second I stopped completely. Hypnotherapy did 95% of the heavy lifting. Just three days of no cigarettes, I knew I had done it. Nicole takes the time to explain the process and to investigate the motivations that drive you. Nicole is the reason I have stopped smoking, and she made it stress-free and painless.
— Alice H.
From the moment I walked into Nicole’s office, I was immediately at ease and relaxed. Nicole is a calm, professional and lovely hypnotherapist and was able to help me right from the first session and provide me with the tools I needed to continue with the therapy once I had left her office. She genuinely cares about you, your health and your progress. I would highly recommend Nicole to anyone who is looking to seek hypnotherapy.
— Jess T.
I lived with chronic ankle pain for 12 years. During that time I gained weight, had several surgeries and took pain medication regularly. I’d all but resigned to the fact that I would be in pain til I died. A friend referred me to Nicole after their own positive experience with Nicole. I reluctantly went but during the first session I realised I was sitting there and having no pain. None! I couldn’t believe it. After 6 sessions I was no longer hobbling, I was back in the gym and I was sleeping all night. I was pain free almost all of the time! I couldn’t say enough about Nicole and hypnosis.
— Martin B.